The Agrometal Carrión team has started the last phases in the construction of the Margo Avícola broiler farm , located in Jerez del Marquesado (Granada). Therefore, we have conducted an interview with Joaquín Martínez, entrepreneur in the poultry sector and owner of the farm
– Joaquín, why have you started in the sector?
From Agrometal today we move to Rafael’s farm in Fuente Obejuna (Córdoba).
All my life I have been an administrative worker and I have worked in different sectors, including the meat sector. After my time at the well-known AVINATUR integrator, I have known the different phases that the chicken goes through, from the incubator to the slaughter room, passing through the farm.
At my age (50), I had the illusion of starting my own business. All my relatives live in Jerez del Marquesado and I have always liked the way of life of the town. Building my own chicken farm gives me the opportunity to take up residence in Jerez without separating from my family.
– How have your family and friends valued this decision?
My family owns a cereal, sheep and almond farm. This has been one of the reasons that has encouraged me to take the initiative and set up my own poultry farm.
My colleagues at Avinatur have also supported and helped me in the decision, they are great experts in the sector and when I raised the possibility of setting up a farm they encouraged me to start this project. Without a doubt, it is a very thoughtful decision and with a lot of support behind it.
– What are your expectations for the next few years? What are the challenges of poultry farming?
Expectations for the next few years are positive. Having previous knowledge in the sector, I think that we can face the challenges more easily. We have seen that at this time the sector is booming and we will have the opportunity for growth.
The main challenge for this sector is to compete with the big guys. Our role will be very open to the large integrators, depending largely on a single client.
In the long term, we have expectations of continuing to grow and stabilize in the market to be able to maintain the family farm in future generations.
– How do you assess the design and capacity of the facilities?
I value very positively all the work done by Agrometal Carrión. Choosing them to build my farm is no accident. I have traveled through many provinces in Spain. I have visited facilities in Albacete, Valencia, Cuenca, Almería,… and I have seen many farms. Agrometal Carrión has been the one that transmitted the highest quality and professionalism to me.
The best poultry complex I have seen is ” La carrasquilla ” in the town of Utiel. The chicken fattening farm is our reference and its facilities were built by Agrometal Carrión.